• Head On Collision

Head-on collisions happen quite often and they are easily preventable. Here are some tips and important information to prevent a head-on collision from occurring.


The driver must always be aware of his surroundings in regard to cars driving in front or behind. Be sure to always use signal lights and brake lights so other drivers are aware of whether you are turning left or right. Also, try to anticipate other drivers’ movements and pay attention to their signals as well. When it comes to tailing, make sure to stay several meters away from the driver in front to allow more reaction time in the event of an accident. When someone is tailing closely, simply slow down and let them pass.

Difficult Weather

It is imperative drivers are even more defensive and careful while driving at night or in bad weather. During rainy days, approach curves more slowly in order to prevent hydroplaning and skidding. Travel at safe speeds at night so you will able to clearly see hazards in the road and be able to avoid swerving. Also, make sure that you always stay in your own lane. This tip is particularly important in intersections, the place where the most accidents occur. The most important rule to preventing head-on collisions is refraining from drinking any alcoholic beverages before getting into the car.


Anticipating places that head-on collisions commonly occur will help you significantly in avoiding accident situations. For example, prepare yourself to possibly encounter a head-on collision on curvy roads, intersections, and even straight stretches. Long stretches are notorious for having drivers not paying attention or asleep at the wheel. Look far ahead of you and watch for erratic driving behavior. You’ll be able to spot a careless driver and have plenty of time to react. Be cautious on curvy roads not to hug the centerline. Stay to the right and you will be able to avoid colliding with a car coming around a blind curve. Also, use your headlights during the day so the driver in front of you notices you and pays special attention.

Dealing with Impact

However, in the event that a head-on collision seems unavoidable, here are some tips to minimize the damage to your car and to keep you and your passengers safe. Slow down as quickly as you possibly can while still remaining in control of your vehicle. This will greatly reduce the amount of force during the impact. If a careless driver is driving into your lane, you must drive off the road to the right and never to the left. This prevents a collision if the driver recovers at the last second and goes back into his or her own lane. When you are driving off-road to the right and cannot avoid hitting a solid object, make sure not to hit the object square-on, but rather off-center and grazing the side of your vehicle if possible. There will be damage, so be sure to brace and hang on. Remember, an off-road crash is better off than have a two-car collision. Make sure you drive slow, be alert, and be safe.