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  • Online Shopping

Consumer Safety Concerns Amidst Rising Online Sales

As the pandemic nudges more shopping into the online world, the legal questions of how ecommerce is treated become even more important. The novel coronavirus caused a $107 billion increase in online shopping sales so far this year, according to... Read more
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  • Food Processor

Dangers of Defective Consumer Goods

Consumer products like tools and appliances are so ubiquitous that when even a small percentage of them fail, they can hurt huge numbers of people. Products liability claims provide a valuable means to hold the companies which design, manufacture, and... Read more
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  • Zantac shutterstock 743649298

Zantac Connections to Cancer Alleged in Suits

When Michele Reed was a nurse, she saw the popular heartburn medicine Zantac prescribed right and left. Now, as an attorney for Newsome Melton, she hears the sad tales of people who took Zantac or its generic and are now... Read more