• Tire Production Code

In an interview yesterday with WFTV news in Orlando, Florida representative Jason Brodeur shed light on his new legislative effort to pass a bill that would require used tire dealers to inform consumers of every tire’s age. For several years, lawmakers across the country have tried to pass legislation that would require tire manufacturers and retailers in general to provide customers with tire age information; however, the efforts have always been met with resistance by tire companies. Brodeur’s bill, though, affects only used tire dealerships, as their products have a greater potential of being damaged or breaking down than new tires.

“You can’t go to the 7-Eleven and buy milk without seeing an expiration date, yet you can buy a tire that could be in any shape, any condition, without at least a heads up,” Brodeur told WFTV.

Currently, tire age can be identified only by a nine-digit number located on a tire’s side. Brodeur believes that more should be done because most consumers are unable to locate or discern the meaning of these numbers. According to the Seminole County representative, by requiring used tire dealers to disclose a tire’s manufacturing date in a clear manner, it will be “simply one more warning for the consumer.”

Many automobile manufacturers already recommend that drivers replace new tires when they are 6-years old, and Brodeur’s bill would aim to bring attention to concerns that used tires older than six years are still being sold and used in Florida.

To view the bill and learn additional information about Brodeur’s Efforts, visit the Newsome Blog.