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  • blog 2018 12 05 7th person dies from takata airbag in malaysia 2

7th Person Dies from Takata Airbag in Malaysia

Takata airbags, which carry a risk of overpressurizing and exploding if the volatile ammonium nitrate inside is exposed to moisture and heat cycles over time, have so far been responsible for 23 driver deaths worldwide, with more expected. Seven of... Read more
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URGENT: Takata Recall Update

Federal safety regulators announced more than 300,000 Hondas and Acuras should not be driven until their Takata airbags are replaced. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said new tests show these airbags have a much higher risk of exploding... Read more
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  • Airbag

BMW Vehicles Now Linked To Massive Airbag Recall

Last week, some of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers announced a collective recall of more than 3 million vehicles because of a problem that focuses on widely and commonly used airbags that have been linked to the Japan-based Takata Corporation.... Read more